

Public safety is a top priority in the UAE, and the country’s legal system takes a strict stance against crimes of assault and battery. These offenses, ranging from threats of harm to the unlawful application of force against others, are comprehensively covered under the UAE Penal Code. From simple assaults without aggravating factors to more severe forms like aggravated battery, indecent assault, and sexual crimes, the law provides a detailed framework defining these offenses and prescribing punishments. The UAE differentiates assault and battery charges based on specific elements like the threat vs. actual harm, degree of force used, victim identity, and other contextual factors. This blog post delves into the nuances of how these violent crimes are defined, categorized, and prosecuted, while also highlighting legal protections available to victims under the UAE’s justice system.

有了这份法律指南,那些被指控攻击或殴打的人将能够更好地做出明智的决定并处理他们的刑事案件。风险很高,因此请咨询知识渊博的人 刑事辩护律师 立即仍然是关键。

How is assault and Battery defined under UAE’s law?

Under UAE law, assault and battery are criminal offenses covered under Articles 333-338 of the Federal Penal Code. Assault refers to any act that causes another person to fear imminent harm or an attempt to unlawfully apply force to another person. Battery is the actual unlawful application of force to another person.

Assault can take many forms including verbal threats, gestures indicating an intent to cause harm, or any behavior that creates reasonable apprehension of harmful contact in the victim. Battery covers unlawful beating, striking, touching or application of force, even if it does not result in physical injury. Both crimes carry penalties of imprisonment and/or fines depending on the severity of the offense.

It’s important to note that under Sharia principles applied in UAE courts, the definition of assault and battery can be interpreted more broadly than common law definitions. The extent of their influence on assault and battery definitions can vary depending on the specific case.

Types of Assault & Battery Cases in UAE

After double checking the UAE Penal Code and other official legal sources, there are several main types of assault and battery cases recognized under UAE law:

  1. Simple Assault & Battery – This covers cases without aggravating factors like use of weapons or causing serious injury. Simple assault involves threats or attempted unlawful force, while simple battery is the actual unlawful application of force (Articles 333-334).
  2. Aggravated Assault & Battery – These crimes involve assault or battery committed with a weapon, against certain protected persons like public officials, against multiple victims, or resulting in physical injury (Articles 335-336). The punishments are more severe.
  3. Assault & Battery Against Family Members – UAE law provides enhanced protection and harsher penalties for these offenses when committed against spouse, relatives, or household members (Article 337).
  4. 非礼 – This covers any assault of a dishonest or indecent nature committed through words, actions or signals against a victim (Article 358).
  5. Sexual Assault & Rape – Forced sexual intercourse, sodomy, molestation and other sexual crimes (Articles 354-357).

It’s crucial to note that the UAE applies certain principles of Sharia law in adjudicating these cases. Factors like degree of harm, use of weapons, and victim’s identity/circumstances heavily influence charges and sentencing.

What are the punishments for assault & Battery in UAE?

The punishments for assault and battery offenses in UAE are as follows:

Type of Offense惩罚
Simple Assault (Article 333)Imprisonment up to 1 year (potentially less) and/or fine of up to AED 1,000
Simple Battery (Article 334)Imprisonment up to 1 year and/or fine of up to AED 10,000
Aggravated Assault (Article 335)Imprisonment from 1 month to 1 year and/or fine from AED 1,000 to 10,000 (with judge’s discretion within the range)
Aggravated Battery (Article 336)Imprisonment from 3 months to 3 years and/or fine from AED 5,000 to 30,000 (with judge’s discretion within the range)
Assault/Battery Against Family Members (Article 337)Imprisonment up to 10 years (or potentially harsher depending on severity) and/or fine up to AED 100,000
猥亵攻击(第 358 条)Imprisonment up to 1 year and/or fine up to AED 10,000
Sexual Assault (Articles 354-357)Punishment varies depending on the specific act and aggravating factors (potential for imprisonment ranging from temporary terms to life, or even the death penalty in extreme cases)

How does the UAE legal system differentiate between assault and battery offenses?

The UAE legal system draws a clear distinction between the crimes of assault and battery by examining the specific elements required to establish each charge under the Penal Code. Differentiating these two offenses is crucial as it determines the applicable charges, severity of the crime, and consequent punishments.

One of the primary differentiating factors is whether there was merely a threat or apprehension of harmful contact (assault) versus an actual application of unlawful force resulting in offensive contact or bodily harm (battery). For an assault charge, the key elements that must be proven include:

  1. An intentional act or threat of force by the accused
  2. Creation of reasonable fear or apprehension of imminent harmful or offensive contact in the victim’s mind
  3. Apparent present ability by the accused to carry out the threatened act

Even if no physical contact occurred, the intentional act leading to an apprehension of harmful contact in the victim’s mind is sufficient grounds for an assault conviction under UAE law.

In contrast, to prove a battery charge, the prosecution must establish that:

  1. The accused committed an intentional act
  2. This act involved an unlawful application of force to the victim
  3. The act resulted in offensive physical contact or bodily harm/injury to the victim

As opposed to assault which hinges on a threat, battery requires evidence of actual harmful offensive contact applied to the victim through unlawful force.

Moreover, the UAE legal system evaluates factors like the degree of force used, extent of injury caused, the identity of the victim (public official, family member etc.), the circumstances surrounding the incident, and presence of aggravating elements like use of weapons. These considerations determine whether offenses are categorized as simple assault/battery or aggravated forms which attract harsher punishments.

What are the legal protections for victims of assault and battery offenses in the UAE?

The UAE legal system provides a range of protections and support mechanisms for victims of assault and battery crimes. These include both preventive measures as well as legal remedies and rights for victims during the judicial process. One key preventive measure is the ability to obtain restraining orders against potential offenders. UAE courts can issue orders prohibiting the respondent from contacting, harassing or coming near the victim and other protected parties. Violating these orders constitutes a criminal offense.

For victims of domestic violence involving assault/battery by family members, shelter and safety provisions are available under the Law on Protection from Domestic Violence. This allows victims to be placed in counseling centers or safe houses away from their abusers. Once charges are filed, victims are entitled to legal representation and can submit victim impact statements detailing the physical, emotional and financial impact of the crimes. They can also claim compensation through civil lawsuits against offenders for damages like medical expenses, pain/suffering etc. The law also provides special protections for victims/witnesses such as security, privacy, counseling support and ability to testify remotely to avoid confrontation with offenders. Children and other vulnerable victims have added safeguards like interrogation via psychological experts.

Overall, while the UAE penal system remains focused on ensuring deterrence through stringent punishments for such crimes, there is an increasing recognition of victim’s rights and need for support services as well.


当面临可怕的攻击或殴打时 指控, 拥有经验丰富的 刑事辩护律师 在你的角落执行最佳防御策略可以使一切变得不同。


A. 自卫

如果为自己辩护 合理的恐惧 你可能会受苦 迫在眉睫的身体伤害,使用适当的  可能是合理的 阿联酋法律。为了使防御成功,反应必须与威胁的危险相称。也不可能有安全撤退或完全避免对抗的机会。

B. 为他人辩护

与自卫类似,任何人都有权 阿联酋法律 使用必要的  保护另一个人  反对 直接威胁 如果逃跑不是一个可行的选择,就会造成伤害。这包括保护陌生人免受攻击。

F. 精神无行为能力

严重抑制理解力或自我控制的严重精神疾病可能会满足 防御要求 以及攻击或殴打的情况。然而,法律上的精神上无行为能力的证明是复杂且困难的。

具体采用什么防御措施很大程度上取决于具体情况 情况 每项指控。熟练的当地人 辩护律师 将能够评估现有事实并制定最佳试验策略。严正陈述是关键。



然而,知识渊博、勤奋 辩护律师 熟悉当地法院、检察官、法官和刑事法规,可以仔细指导被告人度过紧张的局势,保护权利,维护自由,驳回毫无根据的主张,并确保从糟糕的情况中获得最有利的结果。




立即致电我们进行紧急预约 +971506531334 +971558018669


12 thoughts on “Assault and Battery Offense in UAE”

  1. 布莱恩的头像

    我的信用卡有问题。.由于财务问题,我没有支付超过一个月的费用。.现在银行不定期地打电话给我,甚至给我的家人朋友,甚至我的同事..在我解释和回答之前那里打来电话,但我不知道他们如何对待这个人,大声喊叫,对待他们很好地报警,骚扰,现在我更早就收到了互联网上的消息……甚至我的家人和朋友说……先生。 布赖恩(@@@@的妻子)好心地告诉他们,他因在迪拜申请退回支票CID的刑事案件而被通缉,警方目前正在照顾这个人,请把这个寄给另一个朋友……。和我的妻子,她无法正常入睡,她怀孕了,我非常担心……因为。 在fb ..这个消息中,我所有的朋友和家人都已经知道并且很害羞地谈论我将要做什么...请帮助我...我也可以提起诉讼
    阿拉伯联合酋长国在这里为这种骚扰... tnxz和上帝保佑你...

  2. 丹尼斯的头像


    我想就我将向沙迦法院提交的案件寻求法律建议。 我的案子发生在Al Nahda,沙迦关于沙迦出租车司机的攻击事件。 这只是一个普通的争论,导致了战斗,我被拉了,司机在我脸上多次打扮,直到我的眉毛在这次攻击中受伤和流血我戴着眼镜,并且在他扔的拳头被移除我。 当她试图让我们之间的司机冷静下来时,这个例子也让我的妻子受伤。 医疗和警察报告是在沙迦进行的。 我想寻求提交此案件的程序以及这样做的合法性。



  3. 靳的头像


    我想问一下我的公司是否可以为我提出潜逃案件而不退出。 我已经为3months逾期居留,因为我有一个警察案件进行退票检查。 我的护照和我的公司在一起。

  4. laarni的头像

    我在公司有1同事,她没有正常工作。 实际上我们有一些个人问题,但她正在将个人问题与工作问题混在一起。 现在她指责我个人接受这些作品,而我正在为她制造问题,这是不正确的。 她告诉我,她知道我可以让她离开公司,但她会确保一些不好的事情发生在我身上,我会后悔我把她放在我们公司里。 在这种情况下,我可以去警察局并告诉他们这件事。 我没有书面证据,因为直接在我脸上说。 我想确保我在办公室内外都能安全。

  5. Tarek 的头像

    由于我公司的红利付款延迟,我的银行付款被延迟了–我解释说,我将在一周内将待处理的卡付款支付给银行,但他们会继续打电话。 每天有几名员工多次。 我停止接听电话,其中一位员工给我发了一条短信,说“付款,否则您的详细信息将与阿提哈德局共享以列入黑名单”

  6. 多哈头像


  7. 平托的头像

    如果我第二天不提交两个文件,我的经理威胁要在另外20名员工面前打我一巴掌。 他称我为不好的词,因为在一个办公室聚会中不喝酒。 当我在培训问答环节中回答错误时,他还告诉另一位雇主打我。 他告诉我要在星期四提交文件。 我不敢去上班。 我现在处于试用期。 在签证和旅行费用花了那么多之后,我不知道该怎么办,如果我被解雇了,我也没有钱给公司。

  8. 崔的头像

    我在一个共享公寓中。 室友邀请我们公寓的朋友喝酒,唱歌,他们非常吵。 如果我在聚会时打电话给警察,我会担心其他室友,因为我读到,由于共享公寓是非法的,因此该公寓内的所有人员都将被逮捕。 是真的吗我已经和这个人交谈了,但是这个人在四天后大喊并把手指指向我的脸来找我。

  9. Gerty 礼物的头像

    我的朋友不得不撰写关于攻击的研究论文,我想知道这一切的基础。 我感谢您提到攻击不一定是物理攻击。 这是我以前从未意识到的事情,这给了我很多思考。


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