Forgery Mhosva, Mitemo uye zvirango zvekugadzira muUAE

Zvekunyepera refers to the crime of falsifying a document, signature, banknote, artwork, or other item in order to deceive others. It is a serious criminal offense that can result in significant legal penalties. This article provides an in-depth examination of various forms of forgery recognized under UAE law, the corresponding legal provisions, and the severe punishments that await those found guilty of such offenses.

What is the Definition of Forgery under UAE Law?

Zvekunyepera inzira yekugadzira, kugadzirisa, kana kutevedzera zvinhu kana zvinyorwa nechinangwa chekunyengera. Zvinosanganisira kugadzira chimwe chinhu chenhema kuti uwane pundutso. Izvi zvinosanganisira mari yekunyepedzera, kugadzira mifananidzo yemanyepo, kusaina masiginicha pamapepa emutemo, kuchinja cheki kuti vabire mari, nezvimwe zvinonyengera. mabasa. It is defined under Federal Law No. 3 of 1987 (Penal Code) in Article 216.

Pane mashoma akakosha maficha anowanzo kusiyanisa zvekunyepedzera kubva kumakopi kana kudzokorora:

  • Vavariro yekubiridzira kana kunyengera -Kunyepa kunogadzirwa nechinangwa chakaipa kwete kubereka zviri pamutemo.
  • Kumiririra kwenhema -Vagadziri vanozoti basa ravo riri pamutemo kana rakagadzirwa nemumwe munhu.
  • Kusandura kukosha - Shanduko dzinoitwa kuwedzera kukosha kana kugadzira imwe mukana.

Mimwe mienzaniso yakajairika yezvinhu zvinonangwa ne forgers include contracts, checks, currency, identification documents, historical artifacts, artworks, collectibles, and financial transaction records. The key point is that forgery usually involves official legal documents or instruments. Not every imitation qualifies as forgery – only those involving legal/money records falsified illegally.

What are the Different Types of Forgery Recognized in UAE?

Kune akati wandei maitiro anoshandiswa kugadzira forgeries zvichienderana nerudzi rwechinhu chiri manyepo. Mhando dzefogery dzakajairika dzinosanganisira:

Document Forgery

Izvi zvinosanganisira kugadzira magwaro emanyepo kana kushandura ruzivo rwemagwaro ari pamutemo nezvinangwa zvehutsotsi. Zvinangwa zvakajairika zvinosanganisira:

  • Zvitupa - Marezinesi ekutyaira, mapasipoti, makadhi ekuchengetedza magariro.
  • Zvinyorwa zvemari - Cheki, maodha ekubhadhara, zvikumbiro zvechikwereti.
  • Mapepa emutemo - Zvibvumirano, zvido, zviito, zvinyorwa zvevadzidzi.

Maitiro emhando anosanganisira counterfeiting, kutsiva peji, kuisa zvinyorwa zvitsva pamusoro pezvinyorwa zvechokwadi, kudzima kana kuwedzera ruzivo, kutsvaga masiginecha kubva kune mamwe magwaro.

Signature Forgery

Siginicha yekunyepedzera rinonyanya kutaura nezvekunyepa zita remumwe munhu rakanyorwa nemaoko. Zvinangwa zvakajairika zvinosanganisira:

  • macheki -Kuchinja huwandu, zita remubhadharo, kana siginecha yedhirowa rekugadzira.
  • Zvinyorwa zvemutemo -Kugadzira masiginecha pazvido, zvibvumirano, zviito.
  • Artwork -Kuwedzera masiginecha emanyepo kuti uwedzere kukosha.
  • Historical zvinhu -Kunyepa kufungidzira zvinhu kune vanhu vane mukurumbira.

Forgers dzidza kunyatsotevedzera zvinhu zvakaita semaumbirwo emavara, mutinhimira wechinyoreso, sitiroko kurongeka uye kumanikidza.


Kukanganisa zvinosanganisira kugadzira zvinyorwa zvemanyepo zvezvinhu zvakakosha nechinangwa chekubiridzira mabhizinesi nevatengi. Zvinangwa zvinosanganisira:

  • mari - Yakawanda yekunyepedzera - $100 mabhiri muUS. Kusvikira ku $70 mamiriyoni ekutenderera.
  • Zvinhu zveumbozha - Zvipfeko zvekugadzira, mawachi, zvishongo zvinoteedzerwa.
  • Chikwereti/debit makadhi -Inogona kudzokororwa nedata rakabiwa.
  • Tickets -Kufamba kwemanyepo, matikiti echiitiko anotengeswa online.

Mapurinda ane hunyanzvi uye maficha matsva ekuchengetedza anoita kuti manyepo emazuva ano ave anogutsa.

Art Forgery

Art forgery zvinoreva kugadzira mabasa akafanana neaya evatambi vane mukurumbira achiapfuudza semifananidzo yepakutanga kana zvivezwa. Zvinangwa zvinosanganisira mukurumbira, kusimbiswa, uye purofiti yakakura kubva kune vane chishuwo vanotora art vanoda kubhadhara mari yakawanda kune zvisingawanzo, zvidimbu zvakarasika.

Forgers kupira makore achitsvaga zvigadzirwa zvemaartist, matekiniki uye masitaera. Vazhinji vane tarenda rehunyanzvi ivo pachavo, vachinyatsodzidza maitiro esitiroko, mabhurasho, mapendi ependi anodhirowa uye anodzokorora mafake anogona kunyengera nyanzvi dzepamusoro.

Digital Media Forgery

Kufambira mberi mune tekinoroji kwagonesa kunyengedza midhiya yedhijitari inosanganisira mifananidzo, vhidhiyo, odhiyo, mawebhusaiti nezvimwe. Kusimuka kwe deepfakes inoratidza maitiro ane simba anofambiswa neAI ekugadzira mavhidhiyo emanyepo evanhu vari kuita kana kutaura zvinhu zvavasina kumboita.

Mamwe maitiro akajairika anosanganisira photoshopping mifananidzo, kushandura zvimedu zvekuteerera, spoofing mawebhusaiti, kushandura magwaro akaongororwa, kana kugadzira zviratidziro nemalogo. Izvi zvinogona kushandiswa kuchera, manyepo, kurwisa phishing, kuba zvitupa uye hutsotsi hwepamhepo.

Seal Forgery

Seal forgery is a specific type of forgery that involves the unauthorized creation, replication, or alteration of official seals or stamps used by government entities, organizations, or businesses. These seals serve as a means of validating the authenticity and legitimacy of important documents, contracts, certificates, and other official records.

The gravity of seal forgery lies in its potential to undermine the credibility and integrity of these essential documents. By creating counterfeit seals or modifying existing ones, perpetrators can produce forged documents that appear genuine, potentially leading to legal, financial, or reputational consequences for individuals or organizations.

What is the difference Between Forgery and Falsification?

tsananguroCreating a false document, object or imitation from scratch with intent to deceive or defraud, as defined in Article 216 of the UAE Penal Code.Altering or tampering with an originally genuine document or object in order to misrepresent facts, as per Article 215.
mienzanisoCounterfeiting currency, fake university degrees, forged artwork, false identities or signatures.Modifying official reports, changing contract terms, adulterating product labels or specifications.
ChinangwaClear intent to deceive by creating something completely false.Intent to misrepresent the truth by altering genuine items.
PenaltiesTemporary imprisonment and/or fine. For expatriates, deportation may apply in some cases.Detention, fine and/or deportation depending on severity. Harsher for public officials.
KubvumiranaIf falsification occurs during the forgery process, both crimes are punishable separately.If forgery is part of the falsification process, both are considered one crime with combined penalty.
KusunungurwaSome exemptions for artworks, satire or when no fraudulent intent.Very limited exemptions apply.
Other CrimesOften linked to fraud, using forged documents, etc.May also involve abuse of office or other violations.

The main distinction is that forgery starts from scratch to create something completely false, while falsification deceitfully modifies genuine documents or objects. UAE laws address both crimes severely to uphold integrity.

What are the Punishments for Forgery in UAE?

Forgery offenses in the UAE are dealt with sternly, and penalties can be severe based on the type of crime committed. Here are the potential punishments for selected forgery offenses:

Document Forgery

  • For official documents: Temporary jail time up to 10 years (UAE Penal Code Article 251)
  • For unofficial documents: Court-determined imprisonment, less severe than official document forgery
  • Using forged document copies: Up to 5 years behind bars (UAE Penal Code Article 217)

Signature Forgery

  • Replicating signatures on documents falls under the punishments for document forgery crimes


  • Counterfeiting currency is considered highly disruptive to the financial system
  • Harsh sentences including lengthy imprisonment and steep fines apply

Art Forgery

  • Penalties vary based on the value of the forged artwork and intent (deceiving buyers, tarnishing artist’s reputation)
  • Can range from monetary fines to incarceration, depending on the specifics

Digital Media Forgery

  • Under Federal Decree-Law No. 34/2021:
    • Forging federal/local govt electronic documents: Temporary jail time and AED 150,000-750,000 fine
    • Forging documents of other entities: Detention and/or AED 100,000-300,000 fine

Seal Forgery

  • Considered part of document forgery offenses
  • Subject to the punishments outlined for document forgery crimes

It’s clear the UAE takes a zero-tolerance approach to any kind of forgery, with penalties aimed at preventing such unlawful acts that undermine authenticity and trust.

Kudzivirira Forgeries

Kuderedza zviitiko zvekubiridzira kunoda huchenjeri hwakakwana, hwakatarisana ne:

Kuchengetedza Zvinyorwa

  • Chengetedza zvinhu zvinonzwisisika zvakachengeteka - masefa, mabhokisi ekukiya, madhiraivha akavharidzirwa.
  • Deredza kuwana kwemuviri / kwedhijitari nemahofisi akakiiwa, password policy.
  • Shandisai makamera ekutarisa, maalarm, vashandi vekuchengetedza.

Authentication Technology

  • Biometrics - mafingerprints, kumeso uye iris kuzivikanwa.
  • Blockchain - yakagoverwa ledger yedhijitari transaction.
  • Digital siginicha - yakavharidzirwa identifiers inosimbisa huchokwadi.

Dzidzo Yemushandisi

  • Dzidzisa vashandi kuti vaone forgeries -ona magwaro akachinjwa, watermark, zviratidzo zvekusimbisa.
  • Kurudzirai mishandirapamwe yekuzivisa hutsotsi inotsanangura njodzi nedziviriro.

Kungwarira Hiring

  • Nyatsoongorora vashandi vasati vapa gwaro kana kuwana mari.
  • Ita matsotsi ekumashure macheki, kiredhiti cheki, kuongorora basa.

Forgery Detection Techniques

Matekinoroji akati wandei anoshandiswa nevaongorori uye gwaro vaongorori kuona kuti zvinhu ndezvechokwadi here kana kuti forgeries:

  • Ongororo yekunyora -Kuenzanisa mafonti, slants, sitiroko mapatani, kudzvanywa uye kusaina maitiro.
  • Kuongorora kwepepa -Kudzidza watermark, logos, makemikari kuumbwa uye fiber alignment.
  • Ink verification -Kuyedza ruvara, makemikari ekugadzira, akaunganidzwa ukobvu.
  • kuri - Microscopes, spectrometry, ESDA bvunzo uye komputa yekufungidzira software.

Runyoro uye gwaro nyanzvi pinda kudzidziswa kwakawanda kuti uongorore zvakarongeka maitiro ekunyora uye modem kuchengetedza maficha. Vanopa mishumo yakadzama pabvunzo dzavo uye mhedziso maererano nehuchokwadi.

Pamabasa makuru emifananidzo anodhura mazana ezviuru kana mabasa ane mavambo asina chokwadi, varidzi vanoshandisa ongororo yesainzi kuratidza kwakabva uye kufumura zvingangoitika. forgeries. Miedzo yekutarisa zvinhu, tsvina yezera uye grime layer, canvas zvitambi, radioisotope kufambidzana uye segment infrared spectroscopy inoongorora akawanda pendi akaturikidzana.

What is the Procedure for Filing a Forgery Case in Dubai?

If you suspect that you are a victim of forgery in Dubai, you can file a case with the Dubai Police. The first step is to go to the nearest police station and file an official complaint. Be prepared to provide details about the incident, any evidence you may have, such as forged documents or objects, and any information about the suspected perpetrator(s).

After lodging the complaint, the police will investigate the matter thoroughly. They may request additional documentation or evidence from you, and may also summon the accused for questioning. Depending on the complexity of the case, the investigation process can take some time.

Once the police have gathered sufficient evidence, they will forward the case to the Public Prosecution. The prosecutor will then review the case and decide whether to press charges or not. If charges are filed, the case will proceed to the Dubai Courts, where it will be tried according to the UAE’s laws on forgery. It’s advisable to seek legal counsel to guide you through the judicial process.

How a Specialized Lawyer can help?

Navigating a forgery case in the UAE can be an intricate and daunting process, given the serious nature of the offense and the complexities involved in the country’s legal system. Seeking assistance from a lawyer who specializes in handling forgery cases can prove to be invaluable in such situations.

A specialized lawyer will possess in-depth knowledge and a thorough understanding of the relevant laws, court procedures, and evidentiary requirements specific to forgery offenses. They can provide expert guidance on building a strong case, gathering and presenting evidence effectively, and representing you competently in court. Their familiarity with the nuances of such cases can be crucial in formulating the right legal strategies.

Moreover, an experienced forgery lawyer can offer valuable insights into the potential outcomes and consequences of the case, enabling you to make informed decisions. They can also negotiate with the authorities on your behalf, advocate for your rights, and ensure that the legal process is fair and transparent. Their expertise in handling similar cases can significantly increase your chances of achieving a favorable resolution.

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