Extradition Process for Criminal Matters in UAE

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has established a comprehensive legal framework for extradition in criminal matters, which facilitates international cooperation in combating transnational crimes. Extradition is a formal process by which one country transfers an accused or convicted individual to another country for prosecution or serving a sentence. In the UAE, this process is governed by bilateral and multilateral treaties, as well as domestic laws, ensuring that it is conducted in a fair, transparent, and efficient manner. The extradition process in the UAE involves several stages, including the submission of a formal request, legal review, and judicial proceedings, all of which are designed to uphold the principles of due process and respect for human rights.

What is the Extradition Process in the UAE?

The UAE has an established extradition process to transfer accused or convicted individuals to other countries for prosecution or serving sentences related to criminal offenses. This formal legal mechanism ensures:

  • прозорість
  • Через процес
  • Захист прав людини

The key legal framework includes:

  • Federal Law No. 39 of 2006 on International Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters
  • Bilateral extradition treaties with countries like the UK, France, India, and Pakistan (take precedence over domestic laws)

Процеси типово involves:

  1. A formal request submitted through diplomatic channels by the requesting country, with relevant evidence and legal documents.
  2. Thorough review by UAE authorities (Ministry of Justice, Public Prosecution) to ensure:
    • Meeting legal requirements
    • Compliance with UAE laws
    • Adherence to international human rights standards
    • Alignment with any applicable extradition treaties
  3. If deemed valid, the case proceeds to UAE courts, where:
    • The accused has the right to legal representation
    • They can challenge the extradition request
    • Courts examine evidence, charges, and potential consequences for fairness and due process
  4. If approved after exhausting legal avenues, the individual is surrendered to the requesting country’s authorities.

Notable Points:

  • UAE has successfully extradited over 700 individuals, showcasing commitment to combating transnational crimes while upholding rule of law.
  • Extradition may be denied in certain cases, such as:
    • Political offenses
    • Potential death penalties without assurances
    • Military crimes
    • Expired statute of limitations under UAE law
  • UAE may seek assurances on fair treatment, humane conditions, and human rights protection during proceedings and imprisonment.

What is the Role of Interpol in the UAE’s Extradition Process?

Interpol is an intergovernmental organization founded in 1923, with 194 member countries. Its major purpose is providing a platform for global police cooperation to combat crime worldwide. Interpol connects and coordinates a network of police and crime experts across member states through National Central Bureaus operated by national law enforcement. It aids in criminal investigations, forensic analysis, and tracking fugitives through its extensive real-time databases on criminals. The organization supports member countries in fighting cybercrime, organized crime, terrorism, and evolving criminal threats.

It plays a vital role in facilitating the UAE’s extradition process with other countries worldwide. As an intergovernmental organization enabling international police cooperation, Interpol acts as a crucial link for extraditing fugitives across borders.

UAE law enforcement extensively utilizes Interpol’s systems and databases when pursuing extradition. The Interpol Notice System allows disseminating information about wanted individuals, with Red Notices issued for provisional arrest aimed at extradition. Interpol’s secure communications network enables efficiently transmitting extradition requests, evidence, and information to relevant authorities.

Moreover, Interpol provides legal and technical expertise, offering guidance on navigating jurisdictional complexities, ensuring compliance with laws and treaties, and upholding human rights standards during proceedings. However, while Interpol facilitates cooperation, extradition decisions are ultimately made by competent national authorities based on respective laws and agreements.

Which Countries does the UAE have Extradition Treaties with?

The UAE has a robust network of multilateral and bilateral agreements that facilitate the extradition process for criminal matters with countries around the world. These treaties and conventions establish a legal framework for international cooperation and outline specific procedures to ensure a fair and transparent extradition process.

On the multilateral front, the UAE is a signatory to the Riyadh Arab Convention on Judicial Cooperation. This treaty focuses on enhancing cooperation among Arab nations, including Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, and others, by facilitating the extradition of individuals accused or convicted of criminal offenses within the member states.

Additionally, the UAE has entered into several bilateral extradition treaties with various countries, each tailored to address the unique legal and procedural requirements of the respective nations. Notable examples include:

  1. United Kingdom: This agreement allows for the extradition of individuals between the UAE and the UK for serious crimes, ensuring effective cooperation in combating transnational offenses.
  2. France: Similar to the UK treaty, this bilateral agreement facilitates the extradition of individuals accused or convicted of serious offenses committed in either country.
  3. India: Focusing on the transfer of prisoners, this treaty enables the UAE and India to cooperate in handing over individuals serving sentences for crimes committed within their respective jurisdictions.
  4. Pakistan: This agreement outlines the processes and procedures for extradition between the UAE and Pakistan, ensuring cooperation in handing over individuals accused of serious crimes.

The UAE has also signed similar bilateral extradition treaties with numerous other countries, such as Iran, Australia, China, Egypt, and Tajikistan, further strengthening its global network of cooperation in criminal matters.

Рада співробітництва країн Затоки (ССЗ)Саудівська Аравія
Близький Схід та Північна АфрикаEgypt, Syria, Morocco, Algeria, Jordan, Sudan
Південної АзіїIndia, Pakistan, Afghanistan
Східної АзіїКитай
ЄвропаUnited Kingdom, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Spain, Netherlands

Through these multilateral and bilateral agreements, the UAE reinforces its commitment to combating transnational crimes, upholding the rule of law, and fostering international cooperation in the administration of justice.

How does Extradition differ with/without UAE Treaties?

АспектWith UAE Extradition TreatyWithout UAE Extradition Treaty
Правові основиClearly defined legal framework and obligationsAbsence of a formal legal basis
ПроцедуриEstablished procedures and timelinesAd-hoc procedures, potential delays
Extraditable OffensesSpecific offenses covered by the treatyAmbiguity regarding extraditable offenses
Evidentiary RequirementsClear guidelines on required evidenceUncertainty regarding evidence needed
Human Rights SafeguardsExplicit safeguards for due process and human rightsPotential concerns over human rights protection
ВзаємністьMutual obligation to cooperate on extradition requestsNo reciprocal obligation, discretionary decisions
Diplomatic ChannelsPredetermined diplomatic channels for cooperationNeed to establish ad-hoc diplomatic cooperation
Вирішення спорівMechanisms to resolve disputes or disagreementsLack of formal dispute resolution mechanisms
Правові проблемиReduced legal challenges and complicationsPotential for legal disputes and challenges
ТерміниDefined timelines for various stagesNo predetermined timelines, potential delays

What are the Conditions and Requirements for Extradition in UAE?

Several conditions must be met for an extradition request to be considered by the UAE courts:

  1. Existence of an extradition treaty or agreement with the requesting country.
  2. The offense must be considered a criminal offense in both the UAE and the requesting country (dual criminality).
  3. The offense must be punishable by at least one year of imprisonment.
  4. The offense must be considered sufficiently serious, typically excluding minor offenses.
  5. Political and military offenses are generally excluded.
  6. The offense must not have exceeded the statute of limitations.
  7. Human rights considerations, such as the risk of torture or inhumane treatment in the requesting country.
  8. UAE nationals are typically not extradited, but non-UAE nationals may be.
  9. Assurances may be required if the offense carries the death penalty in the requesting country.
  10. Extradition requests are subject to legal compliance and are assessed individually.
  11. The requesting country must cover the extradition costs unless exceptional costs are expected.

За які злочини вас можуть екстрадувати в ОАЕ?

The United Arab Emirates considers extradition for a range of serious criminal offenses that violate its laws as well as the laws of the requesting country. Extradition is typically sought for severe crimes rather than minor offenses or misdemeanors. The following listicle outlines some of the major categories of crimes that can potentially result in extradition proceedings from the UAE:

  1. Serious Violent Crimes
    • Homicide/Murder
    • тероризм
    • Озброєний розбій
    • Викрадення
  2. Фінансові злочини
    • Боротьбі з відмиванням грошей
    • Шахрайство
    • Розтрата
    • Корупція
  3. Злочини, пов'язані з наркотиками
    • Незаконним обігом наркотиків
    • Drug Possession (for significant quantities)
  4. Human Trafficking and Smuggling
  5. кіберзлочинність
    • Злом
    • Інтернет-шахрайство
    • Кіберсталінг
  6. Environmental Crimes
    • Wildlife Trafficking
    • Illegal Trade in Protected Species
  7. Порушення прав інтелектуальної власності
    • фальшивомонетчество
    • Copyright Infringement (significant cases)

Generally, extradition applies to crimes considered severe or felonies rather than minor offenses or misdemeanors. Political and military crimes are typically excluded grounds for extradition from the UAE.

операційна модель інтерпол

Зображення Фото: interpol.int/en

How does Interpol’s Red Notice aid Extradition in UAE?

A Red Notice is a lookout notice and a request to international law enforcement worldwide to carry out a provisional arrest on an alleged criminal. It is issued by Interpol at the request of a member country where the crime was committed, not necessarily the suspect’s home country. The issuance of Red Notices is handled with utmost importance across countries, as it implies the suspect poses a threat to public security.

UAE authorities can request Interpol to issue a Red Notice against a fugitive they seek to extradite. This sets in motion the international process to locate and provisionally arrest the individual pending extradition or legal action. Once issued, the Red Notice is circulated to Interpol’s 195 member countries, alerting law enforcement agencies worldwide. This facilitates cooperation in locating and provisionally arresting the fugitive.

These Notices provide a secure channel for UAE authorities to share information on charges, evidence, and judicial decisions. This information aids the extradition process once the individual is located and arrested. It can simplify legal procedures for the UAE by serving as a basis for provisional arrest and extradition proceedings. However, it is not an international arrest warrant, and each country decides the legal value it places on a Red Notice.

Interpol’s global network enables close cooperation between UAE law enforcement and other countries’ agencies. This cooperation is crucial in locating fugitives, gathering evidence, and executing extradition requests. While a Red Notice is not an international arrest warrant, it is a powerful tool that aids the UAE in initiating and facilitating extradition processes through international cooperation, information sharing, and provisional arrests of alleged criminals worldwide.

види повідомлень інтерполу

Зображення Фото: interpol.int/en

Types of Interpol Notice

  • помаранчевий: Коли особа чи подія становлять загрозу для громадської безпеки, приймаюча країна видає помаранчеве повідомлення. Вони також надають будь-яку інформацію про подію або про підозрюваного. І відповідальність цієї країни полягає в тому, щоб попередити Інтерпол про те, що така подія, швидше за все, відбудеться на основі наявної у них інформації.
  • Синій: Це повідомлення використовується для пошуку підозрюваного, місцеперебування якого невідоме. Інші держави-члени Інтерполу проводять обшуки доти, доки особу не знайдуть та не повідомить державу, яка її видала. Потім може бути здійснена екстрадиція.
  • Жовтий: Подібно до синього повідомлення, жовте повідомлення використовується для пошуку зниклих осіб. Однак, на відміну від синього повідомлення, це стосується не підозрюваних у злочинах, а людей, як правило, неповнолітніх, яких неможливо знайти. Це також стосується осіб, які не можуть ідентифікувати себе через психічні захворювання.
  • Червоний: Червоне повідомлення означає, що був скоєний тяжкий злочин, а підозрюваний є небезпечним злочинцем. У ньому вказується, в якій країні знаходиться підозрюваний, слідкувати за цією особою та переслідувати та арештовувати підозрюваного до здійснення екстрадиції.
  • Зелений: Це повідомлення дуже схоже на червоне повідомлення із подібною документацією та обробкою. Головна відмінність полягає в тому, що зелене повідомлення стосується менш тяжких злочинів.
  • Чорні: Чорне повідомлення стосується невстановлених трупів, які не є громадянами країни. Повідомлення видається таким чином, щоб будь-яка країна, яка шукає, знала, що мертве тіло знаходиться в цій країні.
  • Фіолетовий: Provides information on methods of operations used by criminals, which may also include objects, devices, or concealment methods.
  • INTERPOL-United Nations Security Council Special Notice: Issued for individuals or entities that are subject to UN Security Council sanctions.
  • Повідомлення дітей: Коли зникла дитина чи діти, країна надсилає повідомлення через Інтерпол, щоб інші країни могли долучитися до пошуку.

Червоне повідомлення є найсуворішим з усіх повідомлень, і його видання може викликати хвилюючі наслідки серед країн світу. Це свідчить про те, що особа становить загрозу громадській безпеці, і з нею слід поводитися як таку. Метою червоного повідомлення зазвичай є арешт і екстрадиція.

How to remove an Interpol Red Notice

Removing an Interpol Red Notice in the UAE typically requires following a formal procedure and providing compelling grounds for its removal. Here are the general steps involved:

  1. Seek Legal Assistance: It is advisable to engage the services of a qualified lawyer with expertise in handling Interpol Red Notice cases. Their knowledge of Interpol’s complex regulations and procedures can guide you effectively through the process.
  2. Зберіть релевантну інформацію: Collect all relevant information and evidence to support your case for the removal of the Red Notice. This may include challenging the validity of the notice based on procedural errors or lack of substantial grounds.
  3. Пряме спілкування: Your legal counsel can initiate direct communication with the judicial authorities of the country that issued the Red Notice, requesting them to withdraw the accusation. This involves presenting your case and providing evidence to support the request for removal.
  4. Contact Interpol: If direct communication with the issuing country is unsuccessful, your lawyer can contact Interpol directly to request the removal of the Red Notice. They will need to submit a comprehensive request along with supporting evidence and arguments for the annulment.
  5. Proceedings with the CCF: In certain cases, it may be necessary to engage with the Commission for the Control of Interpol’s Files (CCF). The CCF is an independent body that assesses the validity of arguments raised in deletion requests. The proceedings can be complex and time-consuming, conducted in accordance with Interpol’s Rules on the Processing of Data (RPD).

It is crucial to note that the process of removing an Interpol Red Notice can be intricate and requires expert legal guidance. The specific steps and requirements may vary depending on the unique circumstances of each case. A skilled legal representative can navigate the complexities and present the strongest possible case for the removal of the Red Notice.

How long does it take to remove an Interpol Red Notice?

The time it takes to remove an Interpol Red Notice can vary significantly, depending on the specific circumstances of the case and the complexity of the legal proceedings involved. In general, the process can take anywhere from several months to over a year or more.

If the request for removal is made directly to the country that issued the Red Notice, and they agree to withdraw it, the process may be relatively swift, taking a few months at most. However, if the issuing country refuses to withdraw the notice, the process becomes more complicated and time-consuming. Engaging with Interpol’s Commission for the Control of Files (CCF) can add several months to the timeline, as their review process is thorough and involves multiple stages. Additionally, if appeals or legal challenges are required, the process can further prolong, potentially taking over a year or longer to resolve.

Can Interpol directly arrest individuals in the UAE for Extradition Purposes?

No, Interpol does not have the authority to directly arrest individuals in the UAE or any other country for extradition purposes. Interpol is an intergovernmental organization that facilitates international police cooperation and operates as a channel for sharing information and intelligence between law enforcement agencies across the globe.

However, Interpol does not possess any supranational powers or its own agents to carry out arrests or other enforcement actions. The execution of arrests, detentions, and extraditions falls under the jurisdiction and legal processes of national law enforcement authorities in each member country, such as the UAE. Interpol’s role is limited to issuing notices, such as Red Notices, which serve as international alerts and requests for the provisional arrest of wanted individuals. It is then up to the national authorities in the UAE to act upon these notices according to their domestic laws and international treaties.

Зв’яжіться з міжнародним адвокатом у кримінальних справах в ОАЕ

До судових справ, пов’язаних із повідомленнями червоного кольору в ОАЕ, слід підходити з усією увагою та експертністю. Їм потрібні юристи з великим досвідом у цій темі. Звичайний адвокат у кримінальних справах може не мати необхідних навичок і досвіду для вирішення таких питань. Зателефонуйте нам зараз, щоб терміново записатися на прийом за номером +971506531334  +971558018669

На щастя, міжнародні адвокати з кримінального захисту в Адвокати та юридичні консультанти Амаль Хаміс мати саме те, що потрібно. Ми прагнемо гарантувати, що права наших клієнтів не порушуються з будь-якої причини. Ми готові стояти на захисті наших клієнтів і захищати їх. Ми надаємо вам найкраще представництво в міжнародних кримінальних справах, які спеціалізуються на справах Red Notice. 

Наша спеціалізація включає, але не обмежується: Наша спеціалізація включає: міжнародне кримінальне право, екстрадицію, взаємну правову допомогу, судову допомогу та міжнародне право.

Тож якщо ви або кохана людина надсилає червоне повідомлення проти них, ми можемо допомогти. Зв’яжіться з нами сьогодні!

Зателефонуйте нам зараз, щоб терміново записатися на прийом за номером +971506531334  +971558018669

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